So I've been a Palm user for going on 7 years now, beginning with a used Palm IIIc, then a like-new Tungsten T3 (she was my lifeforce) and finally the original Palm Pre (Sprint). Since getting the Pre, I have enjoyed every aspect of it, but the time has come to upgrade, and I'm making the change to clunky (yet geeky) Android. This is not because I dislike the Pre or webOS, but because there is not yet any concrete release date for new webOS hardware on any carrier and my 2-year-old Pre is sluggish, scratched and failing.
That leaves me with 2 options: Windows Phone 7 or Android (iOS is not an option for me; more on that in a later post). I love Windows Phone 7, but the lack of basic features that I'm used to (better Google integration, support for multiple calendars) is keeping me away, and I'm not waiting until some yet-to-be-announced date in the fall for the Mango update that may or may not add these features. So it's off to Android Land I go, despite my frustration with the clunkiness of the OS. At least that will be much, much less of an issue with the HTC Evo 3D, due out next Friday. I am putting a down payment on it this weekend and will be in line on the 24th to complete my payment and have it in my hands. Oh what a glorious day awaits!
I still love Palm (ahem, HP) webOS and I'm still going to keep up with webOS news. Hopefully in a couple of years it will be the major contender HP is building it up to be, and at that time I might come back. In the very least I should have some actual hardware on the shelves to look at and shop for. In the meantime, I'll be having fun with my Evo 3D!
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