Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Geek Rant Number 01: vi Needs to Go Away

So, I need to edit configuration files in Linux and a quick Google search brings me to instructions on using the terminal shell to accomplish this task. They say to use this text editor called "vi" because it's "the bestest UNIX utility ever created!!!"... Uh huh, yeah.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gee, Steve, I think I've seen that somewhere before...

Well, now that iOS 5 has been announced, the Apple-tech community is going ga-ga over its new improvements. While I like some of the features listed, others are giving me a sense of deja-vu.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goodbye, Palm (but not forever)

So I've been a Palm user for going on 7 years now, beginning with a used Palm IIIc, then a like-new Tungsten T3 (she was my lifeforce) and finally the original Palm Pre (Sprint). Since getting the Pre, I have enjoyed every aspect of it, but the time has come to upgrade, and I'm making the change to clunky (yet geeky) Android. This is not because I dislike the Pre or webOS, but because there is not yet any concrete release date for new webOS hardware on any carrier and my 2-year-old Pre is sluggish, scratched and failing.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Another ADD moment

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. My ADD-laden brain would find its way onto the internets in the form of this random blog. And I really mean random. Don't expect this to be about anything in particular, 'cause whatever I have on my mind at the time will be shared here. I've been caught talking to myself before (hey, at least I don't answer myself... most of the time), so maybe writing it all out will help me focus. Either way, I'm sure some person out there in cyber-land (sounds like a theme park done badly) will enjoy reading the posts in here, but more than likely it'll be fuel for fellow ADD-ers whose brains need more random territory to wander into. Hey, we all need somewhere to waste time, right?